Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Catching Up

I kind of feel like I feel off the face of the earth... or at least the blogosphere.  I suppose that'll tend to happen around the holidays, but now that I'm home, I feel like I have some serious catching up to do!
Christmas was wonderful; we spent this year out in Fredericksburg, Texas, where Andrew's family lives.  It was my longest trip out there, yet it still felt way too short! We had a wonderful time catching up with the family, playing lots (actually "an excessive amount" would be a better description) of Settlers of Catan, eating at fabulous small-town restaurants, and I read by the fire to my heart's content. 
I can't quite believe it's a new year already... time seems to run faster as I get older.  Though I'm not really one to make New Year's resolutions, I do like to look back on the previous year and to see how I've grown, where I've failed, how the Lord has blessed me, and I look to the coming year with lots of question marks and a list of things I hope to accomplish.  This time around, one of the big things I'm really thankful for is the completion of my first full year of being a photographer and business owner! It has been so fun, and I've learned so much.  I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who have supported and encouraged me. I would not have gotten this far had it not been for all of you! I'm really excited to see what comes in this next year.

Before I sign off, here is a quick sneak peek at two sessions I did over the holidays.  Check back soon, more to come!


Unknown January 11, 2012 at 3:33 PM  

I hope you had an amazing holiday season! I LOVE both of your previews!!!!

Stacee <3

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